Results of Exalted Planets

1. Exalted Sun: in its own House and Raashi gives the best results, i.e power, wealth, respect, name and fame,glory all luxuries and comforts; dominance over others. Such a person will shine like the Sun on the firmament of life; very famous indeed.

2. Exalted Moon: in its own House and Raashi confers wealth, honor, fame, though slippery and unsteady, gives all luxuries and pleasures of marital life.

3. Exalted Mars: in its own House and Raashi confers all authority, power, position, exalted status in police or army or some famous organisation. Such a person never fails in his duty; rich, with a large no of servants and subordinates.

4. Exalted Mercury: in its own House and Raashi makes a man learned; eminent; writer or poet, doctor, editor, mathematician , businessman; auditor; accountant; honored by society for his erudition and scholarship; jovial in disposition.

5. Exalted Jupiter: in its own House and Raashi confers knowledge, nobility, generosity, etc. Such a man is wise, learned, well versed in morals; reliable; linguist; a good adviser

6. Exalted Venus: in its own House and Raashi - such a person is a great lover of music, poetry, dance, beautiful women; full of zest for sexual life; life of luxury in the company of women who court and help him. Very lucky; happy domestic life; rise after marriage.

7. Exalted Saturn: in its own House and Raashi Such a person is a rich land owner; leader of men; gets wealth from unexpected quarters; winner of lottery; may earn through speculations and investments; treasurer.

8. Exalted Rahu: in its own exalted House and Raashi such a man achieves eminence, power, authority and wealth through fraudulent means and by browbeating others; sex-ridden; elephant that raises the man to the skies and makes him rich.

9. Exalted Ketu: in its own exalted House and Raashi such a man is bringer of good luck to parents, bold like a Pig and faithful like a dog; lives abroad; eminent status; rich; generous and stingy both; sex-ridden; leader of a team.

Planets in friend's Houses and Raashis are benefic and confer good results.



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