Sampoorna Jathakam

Stars and planets have influence on the day to day happenings of your life. Star position changes your behavior, your ability to influence people and your winning chances. By knowing your star positions you can improve your way of living. Your horoscope says most suitable job for you, the business in which you can be successful. It gives you an idea about your career changes, married life, children, diseases, enemies, fortune etc. To know more get your complete horoscope prepared by a group of well known astrologers, in a PDF or printed format in English or Malayalam.

Send your mail ID, mailing address, Date, time and place of birth to Please remit Rs 1000/ as DD or deposit it in to the following account. On confirmation of the payment you will be receiving your horoscope within few days.

Account Number: 395502010014347, IFSC code: UBINO539554, MICR Code: 682026005, Union Bank of India, Edappally Branch, Cochin-24. Phone: 0484 2344535.

Asokan.KP, Sree Ganesha Astro Solutions,Penta corner-49, Edappally(PO), Cochin 24, Mob:  +91 9846116890.

For more details visit


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